As our webpage is notoriously outdated (and our webmeister notoriously over-worked), let me provide you with a preliminary outline of this years's festival program (the german version of the program is online "already" though)
dec 4
7pm opening starts outdoors at the Robovox installation just outside Freiraum/quartier21, where the ceremony proceeds with Live music at 8pm.
dec 5
6pm Literature Reading 8pm taugshow #17 / metalab, Rathausstr. 6, 1010 Vienna
dec 6
4-8pm Symposium Back to the Future / Raum D
dec 7
12am Film Brunch / Raum D 3:30pm artist round table / Freiraum
7pm Annual Cocktail Robot Awards - The Decision
dec 8
6pm Liquidator Performance / Freiraum
dec 12
10pm Back Stage Party / VEKKS, Zentagasse 26, 1050
exhibition: dec 5-14 12am-10pm / Freiraum/quartier21, Museumsquartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
dec 5-7 international cocktail robot show
dec 8-14 10 years Roboexotica

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