Museumsquartier Wien, Freiraum
7 P.M.: Roboexotica 2007 and AiR Space opening.
Live - GameJew, Mr. Electric
On the turntables - DJ Borka, VJ Ozo
Friday 11/23, 2007
Museumsquartier Wien, Freiraum
10 A.M. - 10 P.M.: Exhibition
5 P.M.: DJ Ossi & Kilian
Museumsquartier Wien, Erste Bank Arena
1 P.M. - 5 P.M.: Symposium (in german language)
Thomas Ballhausen: Geister sehen. - Zur Veränderung der visuellen Kultur und ihrer (Seh)Räume um 1895.
Kerstin Ohler: Generating Ghosts 2.0 - Der phantastische (Erzähl)Raum und seine Bewohner als VR-Mechanismus.
Alexander Edelhofer: "Radio, live transmission."
Psychogeographische Industrielandschaften und Subkultur: Joy Divison, Manchester.
brut Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien
8 P.M.: Recording of taugshow #15.
Saturday 11/24, 2007
Museumsquartier Wien, Freiraum
10 A.M. - 10 P.M.: Exhibition
5 P.M.: DJ Funke powered by sonance, DJ phonuel
Museumsquartier Wien, Erste Bank Arena
1 P.M. - 6 P.M.: Symposium
Sean Bonner: The inmates have taken over the asylum... but that's OK because as it turns out they are far more entertaining than all those stuffy doctors.
Jens Ohlig: Monkeys, typewriters, and the Markov chain reaction. Programming machines to write literature so humans don't have to.
Cory Doctorow: A Singular Metaphor - Why consciousness uploading, post-human existence, and life after the Singularity are popular today, and why science fiction is always about the present.
David Fine: The Consciousness Conundrum.
Bre Pettis: Machines: If you can't beat them, join them - The Apocalyptic Utopia.
brut Künstlerhaus, Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien
20 Uhr: Gold Extra - Black Box - Theater for eight remote controlled robots (in german language)
brut Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien
22 Uhr: Paul Granjon - Reflections and Constructions of a Button Pusher
Sunday 11/25, 2007
Museumsquartier Wien, Freiraum
10 A.M. - 8 P.M.: Exhibition
2 P.M.: Grjasnaya Gallereya - The Inevitable Time Travel (Performance)
3 P.M.: Rainer Tramin
Wir sind wie Roboter? (Lecture in german language)
Museumsquartier Wien, QDK Veranstaltungsraum
11 A.M.: Filmbrunch
brut Künstlerhaus, Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien
6 P.M.: Gold Extra
Black Box - Theater for eight remote controlled robots (in german language)
brut Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien
8 P.M.: Paul Granjon - Reflections and Constructions of a Button Pusher
Volkstheater Wien, Rote Bar, Neustiftgasse 1, 1070 Wien
10 P.M.: ACRA V9.0 - Gala of the Annual Cocktail Robotics Awards 2007
Since I posted the outlines of ROBOEX07ICA's schedule there have been some corrections and more details have emerged ...
Note the changes of the whens and wheres of Paul Granjon's Reflections and Constructions of a Button Pusher - both performances are at brut Konzerthaus and one has moved from Friday to Saturday!
The symposium's abstract has been posted on roboexotica.org:
Ghost In The Machine
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