Help me help create the ultimate cocktail mixing and serving robot by granting me the financial means!
Friday night when I did some late-nite browsing of the interwebs, instead of ending up buying something from Amazon, i followed a link from Boingboing and made a wish at Robinhoodfund - and asked for 10.000,- US$.
In case the wish is granted I'll split it up 50:50 to a) sponsor some promising bots coming to ROBOEXOTICA 2007 and b) for the first time provide prize-money to the winners of the Annual Cocktail Robot Awards.
So you can help make this happen clicking this link - http://www.robinhoodfund.com/cast-your-votes/wish/id/1168 (and/or make your own wish!).
( -> digg it)
... From the Robinhoodfund-page (if I had come across this on a less trustworthy site than Boingboing i would never have given it a second thought) ..
How it Works
Step 1 - Make a Wish
For the price of a free catalogue, the Robinhood Fund community might make your wish come true. Submit your naughty or nice wish for the chance to share in the specified period's pot. Your wish goes up for voting at the beginning of the new week, and competes with fellow wishers for the entirety of that week.
Remember, your wish has the best chance if it's in the right place. There are two categories, meaning two wishes are granted per week. Here's more:
Not every wish is about saving the world, saving a life, or saving a soul.
Be a little selfish. If your wish is about something you just want, this is the category for you.
Sometimes people need a helping hand. If you are an innocent victim of cruel fate, failing health, dire circumstance, or know of a worthwhile cause who is, post your wish to "Nice." You will be grouped with other noble, deserving wishes for a little help from the Robinhood Fund.
Step 2 - The Community Decides
No elite board of directors - you and your peers decide whose wishes to grant. View wishes in each category to promote the worthiest wish of every type.
Step 3 - Wishes are Granted
Each week, the coffers are emptied and the funds are distributed between the winners in each category, granting as many wishes as the amounts allow. It's just that simple.
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