Saturday, October 14, 2006

Weekend Shopping

I still don't know whether or not visitors from outside Austria, Germany and Switzerland are able to use the Amazon-links I provide (in the sidebar) ... actually one more reason to actively promote them! Thanks for any feedback on that regional issue ...

So, proceeding to item #1 in our tour, I am proud to present a publication to which I had the honour to contribute a line or two. It's the bi-lingual book including Georg P. Thomann's biography, part of which was a collaborative effort (the book. the book?):
Who shot Immanence? (2002).

Next recommended read from Amazon are all books by Robert Anton Wilson. Last week I blogged on The Life about Boingboing blogging about his current situation - as I'm not aware inhowfar Bob actually benefits from the sales, or how quickly anyway, you might also check this page to deploy direct help.

When out shopping with SHIFZ, you don't want to forget to check out our own SHIFZ-shop at spreadshirt: Various designs, including ROBOEXOTIA-logo'd shirts, cups and other goods.
With this shop there's the same regional issue as with ... no feedback on overseas-functionality yet.

Finally, as the last item I want to point out again those Extreme Torture Puzzles, flickr-member fibra manufactures. Maybe I shouldn't even write about them, because I haven't placed my own Christmas-gift-order yet and fibra is not industrially producing ... so order modestly, please! (You can contact him via his flickr-account)

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